Counseling for Veterans, Military, and Family Members

It is an understatement to say how difficult it can be to cope with active duty military issues and to adjust to the civilian world as a veteran. I know that going to the VA for care can be a royal pain, and that you may have had a negative experience there which has discouraged you from seeking the help you need. The great news is I am a provider who is not affiliated with the VA, yet I am an authorized provider with the TriWest Choice program who is passionate about helping Central Oregon veterans and military. I can help with the following issues:
- Adjusting to life after deployment/discharge
- Irritability/anger
- Relationships issues with spouses and/or family
- Posttraumatic stress
- Survivor guilt
- Military sexual trauma
No one tells you how hard it is to be the spouse, family member, or child of a veteran or military member. I provide therapy for the following issues:
- Veteran/Military spouse support
- Secondary/vicarious trauma
- Adjusting to deployment
- Improving connection and communication
In addition to counseling, I also conduct Compensation and Pension (C&P) exams for mental health and PTSD as a provider with Veterans Evaluation Services (VES). VES is a veteran-owned organization that is contracted through the VA to provide C&P exams to veterans. Both I and VES work together to make sure your claim is completed accurately and timely. Please contact VES if you have an upcoming initial C&P evaluation or review and you would like to schedule with me. Although I cannot perform C&P exams for current counseling clients, I can complete the exam if you have not been to counseling for the last several months.